The Boot Camp is an authorized presentation of Terry’s Real’s workshop and both of us have been trained directly by Terry.
Continuing Ed is available to NYS Social Workers and Psychologists for participation in these workshops. Click here for details.

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Relationship 2.0
Relationship 2.0 Takeaways
Kristy Gaisford, LCSW is a graduate of Columbia University’s School of Social Work, is a mother of four, and a stepmother of another four. She has been in practice for over 20 years.
Jerry Sander, LCSW is a graduate of New York University’s School of Social Work, is a father of four and has been in practice for 35 years.
Both of us have studied with Terry Real and are certified in his Relational Life Therapy approach to couples’ work. We also are authorized presenters of his weekend Relationship Boot Camps.
We consider ourselves fellow travelers with you on the up and down journey of relationships. We walk the walk; we’ve both been married, divorced, and remarried to other people, cultivating happiness after some rough times. We know what it’s like to feel the exaltation of first love, the heartbreaks and defeat that accompany divorce and the energy it takes to start again. We know what it is like to have children watching you the whole time.
We’ve learned what relational skills we needed to develop, and we practice them — mostly successfully — with our beloveds every day, week, month and year.
We want to share them with you.