Spring is here once again, and this one feels extra-special. We get to stop experiencing ourselves, and each other, as square little boxes on a flickering screen and to see what it is like to actually be in each other’s physical presences again.
You know what? So far it feels kind of odd. At first. Going into all the places we’d gotten accustomed to being in behind a medical-grade mask, this time with just a naked face, breathing oxygen without any sort of N95 filtration first can feel scary-weird to those of us who were so carefully trying to shield ourselves, and families (and strangers) from disease. And standing close to people we’d be primed to view as potentially dangerous to our health? It will take a little while for it to feel as easy as it used to.
But disease seems to have retreated, for now,
That means – for us – a green light for everything we’d put on our personal back-burner. The time is NOW.
Kristy and I have done 11 amazing Boot Camp Weekends virtually, on Zoom, in the past year and a half. Through the magic of technology that I can’t even begin to comprehend, we’ve been able to have people from Salt Lake City, Hawaii, New Hampshire, England, Switzerland, Texas, and New Jersey in the same room at the same time sharing about their relationships, and their personality styles. We’ve seen connections happen in break-out rooms that have brought people to tears and given them the support they’ve known they needed for a long time. We’ve helped people pick up tools that will help them make dysfunctional relationships good once again, and good relationships better.
Now we can do it in person. We are bringing people together, LIVE for essential skill training through our Relationship Boot Camp this May and June, and we can’t wait for you to join us.
Whether you live West of the Mississippi, or East, you’ll be able to be with us soon for the training that you might have been waiting for to begin in-person once again.
In May we’ll be in Salt Lake City on May 14 and 15, and in Warwick, New York on June 25 & 26.
This is your chance to meet other people who are wanting the same thing as you: to love better, now.