Maybe love at one-thousandth sight wasn’t “settling for” at all; maybe it was the rediscovery of beauty and magic after periods of dullness or conflict.
Facing Those Resolutions, A Few Weeks Later
Most anyone who has tried to make New Year’s changes-of-significance in their bodies, minds or relationships has probably already realized that “falling off the wagon” is pretty easy.
The Partner You Deserve
A few weeks ago, my husband and I had a little spat. And by that, I mean a pretty big argument. Voices were raised, accusations made, and feelings were hurt on both sides.
Just How Much Intimacy?
Just beneath the surface of the stories a couple offer when they are in couples therapy is the simmering question: just how much intimacy is each person looking for?
When Two Therapists Can Be Better Than One
Therapeutic and educational experiences can be enhanced by the presence of two people who have similar levels of training and expertise but are not the same.
The Root Cause of Emotional Affairs According to Kristy
I believe it’s the lack of this skill that makes people susceptible to emotional affairs. Someone at work can listen with great empathy because they have no skin in the game.
Emerging From Our Screens
Spring is here once again, and this one feels extra special. We get to stop experiencing ourselves, and each other, as square little boxes on a flickering screen and to see what it is like to actually be in each other’s physical presences again.
Divorce: Why Did I Stay?
I sat on the therapist’s couch with my soon-to-be ex-husband. She looked at me and asked, “why did you stay as long as you did?”
Technology and a Couple’s Boundaries
Whether it is a marriage or a long-term monogamous commitment the same set of questions are ever-present: what is yours, what is mine, and what is ours?
The Secret to Having a Successful Blended Family
First, realize there’s no such thing as blended. It’s more like stirring up pot roast with lasagna and calling it a new dish.
Why I Told My Divorce Story
Our marriages ended; everything is different. We wrote this post together after we did our Podcast for LoveWork – Skills for a Relational Life.
LoveWork: Skills for a Relational Life Podcast
What determines our happiness in relationships? How can we go from ‘survive’ to ‘thrive’? How can we not end up alone, together? What about passion, romance, fighting, and fixing?
When Relationships Disappoint
We are in a constant flux of harmony, disharmony and repair. But if we can keep the disappointments in perspective and not take them as opportunities to blow them out of proportion….we can minimize the damage we’re prone to do to them.
Divorce After 50
Divorcing after age 50 lands you in a surreal set of social and emotional adjustments. My world exploded in minutes — even though it took decades for the fuse to fully ignite.
What Happens in a Relational Life Therapy Boot Camp?
Can couples really LEARN to be more relational in a weekend? I wondered that myself, when I signed up for Terry Real’s Relational Life Therapy Boot Camp. My wife (my co-adventurer) and I were in equal parts skeptical and willing to find out when we committed most of the entire weekend to find out.